
Why choose

Like you, we’re committed to helping people invest in a positive retirement. And with ongoing support, a dedicated adviser portal, the ability to charge client advice fees and access to award-winning investment options, we’re helping you give your clients the future they deserve. That’s a plus. 

Happy business people, architects having discussion and working in office

Partner with us 

to help create a positive future
for you and your clients

Let’s aim to achieve your clients’ goals together. Help create a positive future by becoming a Hostplus adviser.

Mature man in glasses at home, typing on computer, contented, small business owner

Ability to charge advice fees

Superannuation is a big part of most people’s retirement planning – so it’s only reasonable that we provide you with the ability to charge your clients advice fees via their Hostplus super accounts. 

Dedicated support

Have a question about our products, services or our adviser portal? Visit our Adviser support page to find out the different ways our experienced team can help you.

Adviser portal

We aim to make it as simple as possible for you to manage your obligations as a trusted financial adviser. Our Adviser Online portal lets you see up-to-date client information – anytime, anywhere. 

Products and performance

From our flagship, award-winning1 Balanced option, to the simple, low-cost Indexed Balanced, and our direct investment option, Choiceplus, we’ve got a range of investments to choose from. It means you can find the right option to suit your clients’ specific needs and risk appetites as they journey to their retirement. 

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Hostplus Self-Managed Invest (SMI)

We know that an industry fund structure isn’t for everyone, so we’ve also developed Hostplus Self-Managed Invest. It’s a product that allows your self-managed super fund (SMSF) clients to access unique investments which are ordinarily unavailable to retail and SMSF investors.   

Recommended by Lonsec 

We’re proud to have four of our investment options rated as ‘Recommended’ by leading investment research provider Lonsec. Our super and pension Balanced option, and our Self-Managed Invest (SMI) Infrastructure and Property options now join our Indexed Balanced option, which already held Lonsec’s ‘Recommended’ rating. Lonsec’s ratings are a reliable, independent assessment of a product’s overall quality and ability to meet its objective. 

+ many more benefits
for your clients

Competitive investment returns

We measure our success by what we deliver for our members, like our award-winning products and consistently strong past returns.2  

An industry super fund

We put our members first. As an industry super fund, our profits go back to our members – not shareholders. Maximising your clients’ investments is our focus. 

Award-winning superannuation


Ready to register with Hostplus?

Your first step is to complete the online Adviser Registration form.

Need more help? Call us on 1300 467 875 (choose option 4) and we’ll answer any questions you might have.

Smiling handsome ethnicity businessman working in call center. Shot of a cheerful young man working in a call center with his team. Confident male operator is working with colleagues. Call center operators sitting in a row at desks.

Adviser tools and resources

When you choose Hostplus, you get access to some handy tools, services and information to help you make expert recommendations to your clients.  And it’s all in one place. From advice on investment products to calculators, guides, fact sheets and forms. 

1. Awards and ratings are only one factor to be taken into account when choosing a super fund. 
2. Source: SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index, June 2022. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.