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Important things you need to know as you research, manage and transition your clients' investments.

Mature businessman smiling while working with a diverse group of colleagues around a boardroom table

Researching investments

When an investment is made into Hostplus SMI, the money is pooled with money from other investors to buy investments on behalf of all investors. Investment options offered within Hostplus SMI are then divided into units and allocated into the selected investment options based on the value of the investment and the relevant unit price.

The Hostplus SMI is a pooled superannuation trust (PST) as defined under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act) and is designed to pool assets of eligible complying superannuation entities to invest in high-quality assets managed by Hostplus and selected external investment managers. Trustees of SMSFs can invest in Hostplus SMI by purchasing units in one or more of the investment options offered by the Trustee of the PST. The number of units issued, is determined by dividing your investment amount in the relevant investment option, by the unit price which takes into consideration any relevant fees, costs, and taxes.

Managing investments

The Trustee values the assets of each investment option at the latest available prices.

In valuing the assets, an allowance is made for the following to determine the net value of the assets in the relevant Hostplus SMI investment option:  

·      expense recoveries
·      investment costs
·      transactions costs, and
·      income tax.  

This valuation is then divided by the total units in each option. Unit prices generally rise and fall with movements in the value of underlying assets.

You can reset your password online by clicking on the forgot password link and following the prompts. The link is located below the login boxes. To unblock your account, you’ll need to contact the SMI team on 1300 350 819.

All you have to do is log on to the portal here. Here’s a quick reminder about the minimum transaction details:

SMI investment details
‍Minimum additional investment (per option): $5,000
Minimum ongoing account balance amount: $10,000
Minimum switch amount (per option): $5,000
Minimum redemption amount (per option): $5,000

‍Maximum investment 
‍Unlimited. The Trustee reserves the right to decline any application and additional investments at its absolute discretion.

Due to the different tax treatments of accumulation and pension phases, separate units and prices are allocated to the equivalent options in each of these different phases. That means, to change an investment option from accumulation to pension, a full redemption and subsequent new application will need to be processed.

SMI issues a quarterly statement in the month following the close of the previous quarter. This means, they’re issued in January, April, July and October of each year. As a PST is a tax-paid vehicle, no annual tax statement is issued.

Tax and audit

Hostplus SMI investments are managed via a pooled superannuation trust (PST) which is a tax-paid investment vehicle. This means that the tax reporting, liability and compliance lies with Hostplus and not the investor.

The Hostplus SMI investments are managed via a pooled superannuation trust (PST) which is a tax-paid investment vehicle. This means that the tax liability lies with Hostplus and not the investor. Depending on whether you are invested in the accumulation or pension units, there are different tax treatments that are applied. For accumulation units, the tax on income earned and any capital gains or losses generated on the disposal of assets, is paid for and incorporated within the unit price. For pension units, there is no tax liability as pension is a tax-free environment. When entering SMI, it is the SMSF Trustee's responsibility to ensure they are selecting the appropriate units to ensure the correct tax treatment is applied.

All relevant audit reports for SMI are available at under the section 'Reports > financial statements'.  Please be advised that Hostplus does not issue a GS007 report for SMI.