
Death and total
& Permanent Disability (TPD)

Plan for the unexpected. If the unthinkable should happen, Death and Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance aims to ensure you’ve taken care of your loved ones. 

Portrait of an young tattooed woman in a wheelchair at home

Peace of mind in tough times

What is Death and TPD insurance?

If the worst should happen and you die or are totally and permanently disabled through illness or injury, Death and TPD insurance means that a lump sum will be paid to you or your loved ones. It helps to ease financial stress by giving you and your family some security.

Death insurance is also known as life insurance. Our Death insurance includes terminal illness cover, which means you can receive a pre-payment of your death benefit if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness.  

To learn more about Death and TPD insurance, please read the PDS. 

 All claims are subject to satisfying the eligibility criteria.  

Two Handsome Friends Drinking Coffee and Surfing the Net In Cafe Restaurant

Death and TPD
insurance at a glance 

Your Death and TPD cover

Depending on your eligibility, you may receive default Death and TPD insurance if you’re 25 years or older and have at least $6,000 in your Hostplus account. However, if it suits your circumstances, you can opt in to default cover before meeting these criteria (subject to terms, conditions and eligibility requirements). Read the PDS to learn more about default Death and TPD insurance. 

You can cancel this cover or choose to be covered for Death only or TPD only at any time. You can also choose to increase or decrease your cover. We offer additional Death and TPD cover for a range of specified life events without the need for lengthy paperwork.  

Your level of cover

If you have default Death and TPD cover, the amount of cover you receive will depend on your age. You can find the default cover amounts and costs in the PDS

The default level of cover is designed to provide a safety net for a typical Hostplus member, but it’s important that you assess your own situation and decide whether that level of cover is right for you. Using our insurance needs calculator or speaking to our financial advice team can be a good first step.  

You can reduce your cover or apply for unlimited Death cover and up to $5 million in TPD cover at any time. If you have combined Death and TPD cover, the amount of TPD cover can’t exceed your Death cover. 

How much insurance cover do I need?

Death and TPD
insurance costs 


How much will you pay for your insurance

How much you pay for your Death and TPD cover will depend on your level of cover and age, as well as your occupational rating and the type of cover. If you’re on parental leave, you may be eligible for premium-free cover with our parental leave premium waiver. It’s important to understand that insurance premiums are deducted from your super balance, which reduces your retirement savings. If you need to reduce or cancel your insurance, you can do so at any time.

How your occupational rating affects insurance costs

Every occupation receives an ‘occupational rating’. This reflects how dangerous a job is and affects how much you pay for your insurance. For example, if you have a White collar rating, you’ll pay lower premiums than if you had a Heavy Blue rating. If you’ve received default cover, you’ll be covered under our Standard (or Light Blue) occupational rating unless and until you tell us otherwise. See our PDS  for details.   

It’s a good idea to check your occupational rating, as you may be eligible for a lower-risk rating – which in turn may reduce your premiums. If you change jobs, you should also check that your occupational rating matches your new position. 

Icon depicting a pie chart with a dollar sign in one segment

Unitised and fixed cover affects insurance costs

There are two types of cover for Death and TPD insurance – unitised and fixed. These affect how the cost of your insurance, and the amount insured, change as you age. 

  • Unitised cover: The level of cover is based on your age. The number of units, the value of each unit, and the cost of the cover that you hold may increase or decrease as your age increases.
  • Fixed cover: The amount of cover stays the same while the cost typically increases with age. However, your TPD cover will reduce from age 60. As fixed cover costs can become expensive as you approach retirement age, it’s important to consider whether you still require the same level of cover. 

The graphs below illustrate the basic differences in concept between unitised and fixed cover. They are indicative only and actual outcomes may vary depending on your own personal circumstances.     

Insurance fixed & unitised graphs

* For Hostplus insurance, TPD cover reduces from age 60. 
^ For former Statewide Super members with grandfathered insurance arrangements, the weekly premium per unit changes over time.  

If you’ve received default Death and TPD cover, this is unitised. However, you can convert from unitised cover to fixed cover, or convert from fixed cover to unitised cover.  

Learn more about insurance costs 
To learn more about costs for Death and TPD insurance, read the PDS or use our insurance needs calculator. Members can also head to Member Online for more information on costs. 

How to apply

If you would like to apply for Death and/or TPD insurance, here’s what you need to do. 

Business tools

Manage your cover

Apply for Death and TPD insurance, adjust your level or type of cover, or check your occupational rating.  

Transfer your cover

If you’ve already got Death and TPD insurance with another super fund or insurance provider, it may be possible to transfer it to Hostplus. 

Excluded occupations

Some occupations are riskier than others. Because of this, you may not be eligible for Death and TPD insurance if you’ve joined Hostplus as a Personal Super Plan member. Check our list of excluded occupations to see if this applies to you. 

Three ways to cancel your insurance

If insurance is no longer right for your situation, you can cancel at any time. 


Head to Member Online to quickly cancel your cover.


Send us an email with the details of your cancellation request and we'll get back to you with next steps.


Call us on 1300 467 875 to speak to one of our team members.

Make an informed choice

Learn more about Death and TPD insurance with Hostplus in our detailed guides. 

Peace of mind for when you need it most. THAT’S A PLUS