Your super contributes to a wide range of projects. Read our investment case studies.
Every single day, we have our members’ best financial interests at heart. That means investing your money responsibly with the aim of achieving long-term growth and strong returns. Together we can build a future full of positivity.
The average Hostplus member has around 30 years until they retire – which means we can choose investments that benefit from a long-term approach, such as emerging companies, sectors and nation-building projects. This time frame, in addition to our diversified investment portfolio, is designed with the purpose of withstanding the ups and downs of investment markets and focussing on our long-term objectives.
Our focus on the long term means we can invest more in unlisted and direct assets, such as NSW Ports and Melbourne’s Southern Cross Station.
Approximately 40% of our default Balanced (MySuper) option is invested in unlisted assets, like property, infrastructure, private equity, and venture capital. These investments spread investment risk, which can help to smooth out the ups and downs of investment market cycles.
We invest your super in many different types of assets both locally and globally. These include cash, fixed interest, credit, shares, property, infrastructure and other less conventional assets, such as private equity and venture capital. Each type of asset has its own level of risk and expected drivers of return. Diversification helps to reduce the investment risk while aiming to grow your super.
We believe it’s in our members’ best financial interests to take advantage of the top investment thinking and resources locally and globally. We leverage the expertise and intellect of investment managers and our investment consultant, JANA. Our internal investment team works closely with JANA to formulate our investment strategy and identify investment opportunities.
Your super contributes to a wide range of projects. Read our investment case studies.
We invest in national projects, from state airports and major train stations to ports and entertainment precincts.
Hostplus investments include assets in renewable energy (for example, Tilt Renewables), innovative waste solutions (Radical Plastics), plant-based meat substitutes (v2food), and more.
We’re one of Australia’s biggest super fund investors in venture capital, with more than $3 billion currently invested in the sector. Our investments in startups and other innovative companies include Canva, Athena Home Loans and Oxford Nanopore Technologies.
Our Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) - Balanced option seeks to invest in assets that contribute to sustainable social and environmental outcomes such as renewable energy, health care and medical solutions. This option also seeks to reduce exposure to companies involved in certain industries or business practices, including fossil fuels, tobacco production and supply chains with poor labour standards or human rights abuses.
We’re proud of the performance of our award-winning investment options2, but it’s important that you choose the option that’s right for your objectives, financial situation and needs.
Our investment options have different return objectives and carry different levels of risk. Investment returns aren’t guaranteed, so when you’re choosing your investment options, you’ll need to consider your risk appetite based on various factors, including your age, attitude to risk, investment time frame and other personal preferences.
Want to learn more about the risk levels and expected returns of our investment options?
How do we choose which investments to support? We’re committed to responsible investment practices across all our investment activities. Our investment decisions are informed by our responsible investment strategy, our position on climate change, and our integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.
All our investments are made by assessing the potential for generating long-term returns for our members.
Or call us on 1300 467 875
8am – 8pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday.
1. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.
2. Awards and ratings are only one factor to be taken into account when choosing a super fund.