Defined benefit members are now welcome to download our mobile app and try out a range of helpful features. View total benefit estimates, monitor investments, check insurance and more.
An interactive way to get financial education and tailored advice* online to help supercharge your future.
Exclusive to Hostplus members 24/7 via Member Online at no extra cost.
*Members with Term Allocated Pension, Lifetime Pension, Defined Benefit Pension, nil balances, non-standard investment options and some Maritime Contributory Accumulation members cannot access SuperSmart financial advice services.
Introducing CPIplus, a Pension investment option that aims to deliver a consistent and predetermined return above inflation each year.
Not available for Transition to Retirement Pensions. Though returns above inflation are predetermined annually, Hostplus can shorten the return period. Hostplus may also adjust the rate of return with at least 30 days’ notice.
Simply log in to Member Online, navigate to ‘Super’ in the top menu, and select
‘Claim a tax deduction’.
Enter your Member Number and Password to access your account anytime.
Log in to manage your Pension account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Pay your employees super contributions across multiple super funds.
Enter your Username and Password to access your account and start managing your investments.
Everyone is welcome to join us as a member of our personal super plans.
Starting a Hostplus Pension or joining Hostplus if you’re not already a member is easy.
No fees. Easy payments. Become a registered Hostplus employer in less than 10 minutes.
It only takes a few minutes to register to invest with Hostplus Self-Managed Invest.
Enter your Member Number and Password to access your account anytime.
Log in to manage your Pension account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Pay your employees super contributions across multiple super funds.
Enter your Username and Password to access your account and start managing your investments.
Everyone is welcome to join us as a member of our personal super plans.
Starting a Hostplus Pension or joining Hostplus if you’re not already a member is easy.
No fees. Easy payments. Become a registered Hostplus employer in less than 10 minutes.
It only takes a few minutes to register to invest with Hostplus Self-Managed Invest.
Introducing CPIplus, a Pension investment option that aims to deliver a consistent and predetermined return above inflation each year.
Not available for Transition to Retirement Pensions. Though returns above inflation are predetermined annually, Hostplus can shorten the return period. Hostplus may also adjust the rate of return with at least 30 days’ notice.
Introducing CPIplus, a Pension investment option that aims to deliver a consistent and predetermined return above inflation each year.
Not available for Transition to Retirement Pensions. Though returns above inflation are predetermined annually, Hostplus can shorten the return period. Hostplus may also adjust the rate of return with at least 30 days’ notice.
Enter your Member Number and Password to access your account anytime.
Log in to manage your Pension account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Pay your employees super contributions across multiple super funds.
Enter your Username and Password to access your account and start managing your investments.
Everyone is welcome to join us as a member of our personal super plans.
Starting a Hostplus Pension or joining Hostplus if you’re not already a member is easy.
No fees. Easy payments. Become a registered Hostplus employer in less than 10 minutes.
It only takes a few minutes to register to invest with Hostplus Self-Managed Invest.
Enter your Member Number and Password to access your account anytime.
Log in to manage your Pension account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Pay your employees super contributions across multiple super funds.
Enter your Username and Password to access your account and start managing your investments.
Everyone is welcome to join us as a member of our personal super plans.
Starting a Hostplus Pension or joining Hostplus if you’re not already a member is easy.
No fees. Easy payments. Become a registered Hostplus employer in less than 10 minutes.
It only takes a few minutes to register to invest with Hostplus Self-Managed Invest.
Although the Payday Super reforms won’t take effect until 2026, we’re sharing early insights to help you prepare.
At Hostplus, we’re committed to keeping you informed about important superannuation changes, like the Payday Super reforms announced in the 2023 Federal Budget. While these changes aren't set to take effect until July 2026, we want to help you prepare for this transition.
Superannuation payments will change with the introduction of Payday Super from 1 July 2026. This will align Superannuation Guarantee (SG) payments with regular pay cycles. Payday Super aims to address the non-payment and underpayment of super, strengthening Australia's superannuation system and improving retirement outcomes for workers.
Under the new framework, employers will need to pay SG contributions simultaneously with salary and wages, replacing the current system where super must be paid at least quarterly. Crucially, contributions must reach employees' superannuation funds within seven calendar days of payday to meet compliance requirements.
The framework proposes several changes designed to facilitate the transition.
New responsibilities for employers aimed at streamlining and reducing the administrative burden will be introduced. These include making an employee’s existing 'stapled' fund visible during onboarding.
The SuperStream data and payment standards will be revised to improve error messaging for quick resolution of payment issues.
Employers will face an updated SG charge if they fail to pay contributions in full and on time. The size of the penalty will depend on how long and by how much the employer was non-compliant. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will administer compliance and provide support for these changes.
The ATO will oversee compliance through enhanced monitoring systems, matching Single Touch Payroll data with superannuation fund reporting. While penalties will apply for non-compliance, the framework includes provisions for reduced penalties when employers promptly disclose any payment issues.
The legislative design process continues, with ongoing industry consultation to refine administrative details. This consultation period ensures all stakeholders can contribute to creating a practical and efficient system before the July 2026 implementation date.
As your superannuation partner, we understand this change to payment processes is significant. The framework provides high-level information, but we know you need clarity on specific operational details. We'll share updates and practical guidance as more information becomes available to help you prepare for and implement these changes effectively.
Stay connected with us as we work to make this transition as smooth as possible for you. If you have any questions, contact our dedicated business team online or by calling 1300 467 875. We're here to support our valued employers throughout this transition period and beyond.