
Adviser Online 
Technical Support  

We’re here to help. Whether you’re new to Hostplus Adviser Online or a frequent user, our technical support page is designed to provide you with the information and support you need for the document upload process. Here, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions and troubleshooting tips to ensure you have the best experience possible.

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    Last Updated: 25 Sep 2024

    Adviser Online document upload

    We aim to make it as simple as possible for you to manage your obligations as a trusted financial adviser. Our Adviser Online portal lets you access up-to-date client information and submit important forms and documents straight through to our administration queues.

    This guide has been developed for financial advisers and their support staff to explain the steps required to submit forms and documents to Hostplus via Adviser Online. If you haven't registered for AOL, you can use your ASIC financial adviser registration details to create your Hostplus Adviser Online account.

    To use the document upload functionality, the adviser needs to be registered for Hostplus Adviser Online (AOL) and have a valid Third Party Authority (TPA) for their client. After logging into AOL, you can simply select the specific member and then choose the type of form or document that is being uploaded. When submitted, the documents are sent to our administration queues and copies of the documents will be loaded into the member’s record. This provides visibility of the adviser’s actions for the member.  

    We’ve outlined a detailed step-by-step summary of how to use this tool. 

    1. Navigate to the search member screen on AOL 
    2. Select a member and click on ‘view’  
    3. You’ll be redirected to the member screen, where you’ll see the tab ‘Document Submission’  
    4. You can expand the arrow to view fields on ‘Submit Documents’ screen 
    5. Select the document type from the dropdown list and select the file to be sent to Hostplus by clicking on the ‘Browse’ button. If ‘OTHER’ is selected, you will be prompted to specify the file type. 
    6. Click on the upload button 
    7. Upon clicking the upload button, the file is added to the grid on the ‘Submit Documents’ screen 
    8. Add all documents to be sent to Hostplus by clicking on the upload button 
    9. Click on the ‘Submit for Processing’ button 
    10. Upon successful submission, a success confirmation should appear. You can click “OK” to upload more documents if required.


    IMPORTANT: Please submit each form individually under its respective document type. Take particular care in the timing when submitting forms relating to rollovers/transfers and Notices of Intent (NOIs), as Hostplus will not be responsible for managing any implementation requirements. In addition in step 5, “Other” should not be used to submit multiple forms as they may be processed incorrectly.

    Advisers can generally submit any form and document on behalf of their Hostplus client through this function. More commonly used document types are individually listed, with ‘other’ to be used for any other document or instruction: 

    • Advice Fee Consent form  
    • Binding beneficiary 
    • Change membership details 
    • Inactive low balance account authorisation form  
    • Insurance application 
    • Insurance change form 
    • Investment change – Pension 
    • Investment change – Super 
    • Lump sum withdrawal – Pension 
    • Lump sum withdrawal – Super 
    • Notice of intent to claim a deduction for personal super contribution 
    • Pension application form (included in the Pension PDS) 
    • Record of Advice  
    • Rollover form (ie Transfers into Hostplus) 
    • Standard choice form 
    • Superannuation application form 
    • Statement of Advice  
    • Target market determination  
    • Tax file number declaration 
    • Third Party authority 
    • Voluntary contribution - direct debit request 
    • Other (please refer below)  

    The above forms can be found on our website or via the resources page on the Adviser Portal. 


    • This function is only available for registered advisers who are listed as current on the ASIC Financial Adviser Register
    • The function is only available where the adviser has a valid TPA in place for the member.

    At this stage, we are not accepting digitally signed documents, please ensure all documents have been personally signed by your Hostplus client. 

    Original Power of Attorney documents are still required to be provided to Hostplus and posted to Hostplus, Locked Bag 5046, Parramatta, NSW, 2124.  

    Only the following file types can be accepted : DOC and DOCX, HTML and HTM, ODT, PDF, XLS and XLSX, ODS, PPT and PPTX, TXT.  

    Frequently asked questions

    Find answers to some of the questions we commonly get asked about the document upload functionality.

    Yes, we have modified our business rules to accept scanned documents that are signed by the member and uploaded through this process. We will process these forms in the usual manner.

    Yes, Hostplus will generally accept any form or document related to your Hostplus client through this method, provided they have been signed by the Member. Original Power of Attorney documents are still required to be posted to Hostplus.  

    Yes, forms such as applications, investment changes, lump sum withdrawal forms will be forwarded to the Pensions admin team for processing.

    No, members must submit their documents based on the instructions on the specific form. The document upload functionality is only to be used by advisers using the Adviser Online portal.

    Unfortunately, digitally signed forms cannot be used by members or advisers.

    Please notify Hostplus immediately, by calling us on 1300 467 875 (option 4) or emailing at

    On successful submission, you will receive an immediate acknowledgement and the document/form will be visible under the communications tab for your Hostplus client.  

    Your Hostplus client will receive any standard communications following a specific request, such as confirmation of a successful investment switch.

    Common error messages

    If you are having problems uploading your document, please find answers to some of the most common issues.

    This error is caused by the adviser selecting a document type of “Other” and leaving the “Please specify” field blank. To rectify, the adviser should click on “OK” which will allow them to specify the document type without the need to navigate to the home screen again.

    This error is caused by the adviser selecting the document type from the dropdown options and clicking on the upload button without selecting a file. To rectify, the adviser should click on “OK” which will allow them to select the file without the need to navigate to the home screen again.

    This is a system error where the documents have not been successfully saved against the member’s record. To rectify, the adviser should click on “OK” which will allow them to select and upload the file without the need to navigate to the home screen again. If the problem persists, please contact our adviser support team on 1300 467 875 (option 4).

    This is a system error where the documents have not been successfully submitted to our administration queues. To rectify, the adviser should click on “OK” which will allow them to try submitting the documents again without the need to navigate to the home screen again. If the problem persists please contact our adviser support team on 1300 467 875 (option 4).

    Adviser Online digital third party authorities

    Third party Authority (TPA) self-service allows advisers to lodge a TPA request via Adviser Online. This fully digital solution will simplify the process for you and your client, and digitally accepted authorisation will mean a significantly faster turn-around time.  

    This guide has been developed for financial advisers and their support staff to outline the steps required to lodge a Third Party Authority via Adviser Online (AOL). This functionality is only available to Financial Advisers who are registered for AOL. If you’re not yet registered for AOL, you can use your ASIC Financial Adviser registration details to create your Hostplus Adviser Online account.

    This process is available for advisers who have registered and confirmed their access to Adviser Online. This process is not suitable for members who do not have both an email address and mobile number on record or those members who are under 18. Third party authorities for non-accumulation accounts can be lodged by an adviser, however only limited information on those accounts can be accessed through Adviser Online. We’ve outlined a detailed step-by-step summary of how to use this tool. 

    • from the AOL home screen, navigate to the “add a member” screen on AOL  
    • enter the member’s Hostplus member number, surname and date of birth 
    • if the details match our records, and the member has both a mobile number and email address on file, you will receive an onscreen notification that your request has been successfully submitted. If the member’s details do not match or we do not hold the mobile number and email address, you will receive an onscreen notification that your request has been rejected. You can view your pending TPA requests on the AOL “search members” screen. 
    IMPORTANT: Please note digital TPA is only available for existing members. New members will require a paper based authority to be completed. The member must have a mobile phone number and email address on their account for the digital TPA to be lodged successfully.

    After the adviser has successfully submitted the digital TPA request, the member will receive an SMS message asking them to check their email. The email sent to the member includes further information on the authority request and provides a link for them to activate the TPA. This must be done within 5 days. Once the member accepts or declines the TPA request, a final notification is sent to the member and adviser via email confirming the member’s decision.

    IMPORTANT: We encourage advisers to notify their clients that they will receive both an SMS and email notification regarding the TPA request. This will ensure the request is finalised in a timely manner.

    Frequently asked questions

    Find answers to some of the questions we commonly get asked about digital TPA's.

    No. When using the Digital TPA solution, you’ll no longer need to list individual names and job titles for staff members authorised to obtain client information on your behalf. Going forward, when using this option, your valid TPA will extend to include any staff member from your practice you give authority to. We also intend to expand this rule to the paper-based authority in the near future.

    After the adviser has successfully submitted the digital TPA request, pending and rejected member requests can be tracked from the AOL home page. Once an authority has been accepted by your client, their details will drop off the pending list and their Hostplus account information will be made available to you.

    If the member declined the request in error or does not respond within 5 days, the adviser will need to submit a new TPA request through Adviser Online, or alternatively ask the member to complete a paper authority.

    Need help?

    For more information, simply email us at Or call us on 1300 467 875 (option 4) and we’ll answer any questions you might have.