
and disclosures 


Our corporate governance is designed to protect and enhance the interests of members, while also taking into account the interests of other stakeholders, including employees, providers and the community.

As an industry super fund, Hostplus is run to benefit members. We are proud of our governance practices, which facilitate fairness, transparency and accountability. We are governed by three independent directors, including an independent chair, three employer directors and three employee directors.

This page forms part of Hostplus' Annual Report for 2023-24.

Host-Plus Pty Limited (Hostplus) is the trustee for the Hostplus Superannuation Fund (the ‘Fund’). The Hostplus Superannuation Fund is governed and managed by our Trustee Board (‘Board’). The Hostplus Board represents our members in accordance with the Hostplus governing documents (described below) and superannuation law. They also ensure that Hostplus meets federal government requirements for the fair and safe operation of the Fund.

The Hostplus Board is responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the Fund, with the aim of protecting and enhancing the interests of members, taking into account the interest of other stakeholders, including employees, employers and the wider community.

The Hostplus Board is committed to effective corporate governance, to fairness, transparency and accountability in the way it operates. We believe that in attracting and retaining members to the Fund, it is beneficial for the Board to sponsor and partner with certain organisations in the hospitality, tourism, recreation and sport industries we serve. The Board will only partner with organisations that have robust corporate governance and strong accountability practices in place.

The Hostplus Board does not make political donations or support individual political parties. We are cognisant of our responsibility to act in the best financial interest of all Fund members, no matter what political ideology they hold.

The Hostplus governing rules are contained within three documents: the Constitution and two Trust Deeds – one for the Superannuation Fund and the other for the Pooled Superannuation Trust (PST). The constitution of Host-Plus Pty Limited is the body of fundamental principles that govern the Trustee. Both Trust Deeds set out the rules for the establishment and ongoing operations of the Superannuation Fund and the PST – the latter is the vehicle whereby Hostplus transfers all investments.

Board composition

The Hostplus Board comprises three employer representative directors nominated by the Australian Hotels Association (AHA), three employee representative directors nominated by United Workers Union (UWU), and three independent directors jointly selected by the AHA and UWU. Our Board is chaired by one of Hostplus’ independent directors.

Board Charter

The Board Charter details the key policies and processes that the Board has in place for the governance of the Fund, and principal areas of the Board’s role and responsibility including strategic planning, corporate culture and the monitoring and evaluation of management and stewardship.

Board nominations

Directors are appointed to the Hostplus Board in accordance with the Hostplus Constitution and the Fit and Proper Policy. The Founding Members (Australian Hotels Association (‘AHA’) and United Workers Union (‘UWU’)) are responsible for nominating employer and member representative directors respectively. Independent directors are appointed by the Founding Members, or, failing agreement by the Founding Members, by the Selection Committee as governed by the Hostplus Constitution. 

The Founding Members consider and assess each potential candidate prior to a new Board member being appointed. This is to ensure that the Hostplus Board remains open to new ideas and independent thought while retaining adequate expertise to comply with the requirements of the Superannuation Industry Supervison Act 1993 (SIS Act), performing its trustee duties and the exercising of trustee powers in the best financial interest of the members.

Board appointments

Directors are appointed for a three-year term. At the conclusion of each term, the nominating body either renews the term of the existing director or appoints another representative. For independent directors, the Founding Members must reach agreement on the appointment or re-appointment of the independent directors (as the case may be) in each relevant year by 16 May. The remaining two independent directors must also agree to the appointment of the third independent director. If the Founding Members fail to reach an agreement by this date, the Selection Committee must appoint or reappoint the independent directors (as the case may be) by no later than 30 June in each relevant year.

In assessing directors, the Founding Members will consider the overall balance of the Board, taking into account stability, longevity, skill set, experience, corporate knowledge and whether an individual’s period of tenure on the Board could, or be perceived to, materially interfere with their ability to act in members’ best interests.

Each nominating body may elect to appoint an alternate director to represent appointed directors in their absence. The Chair of the Hostplus Board (who must be an independent director) is elected by the Board.

Removal of directors

The general procedure for the removal of directors is set out in the Hostplus Constitution of the Trustee. The Constitution details how and when a director needs to be removed from the directorship of the Hostplus.

Any director elected by the Founding Members may be removed by the Founding Members whenever the best interests of the members would be served - including non-compliance with the Hostplus Fit and Proper Policy, in the Founding Member’s judgement and in accordance with the Constitution. A director may also resign by giving written notice to the Board.

Under the Trust Deed of the Fund, the Hostplus Board has the ability to delegate its powers and responsibilities to committees of the Board. Currently, the Hostplus Board has established the following committees:

Committee Chair Members Role 
Audit Committee (AC)Janet WhitingDavid Attenborough,
Tim Lyons
The role of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board by providing objective oversight and review of all statutory reporting, financial reporting, professional accounting, effective internal control environment, internal and external audit functions and taxation activities of the Fund.
Risk and Compliance Committee (RCC)David AttenboroughJanet Whiting,
Tim Lyons
The role of the Risk and Compliance Committee is to provide objective oversight and implementation of the operation and ongoing maintenance of the Risk Management Framework as well as the Compliance Management Framework.
Claims Review Committee (CRC)Bev MyersBob Hinkley,
Colin Cassidy
The role of the Claims Review Committee is to review members’ claims rejected by the insurer.
People and Remuneration Committee (P&RC)David GibsonDamien Frawley,
Julie Korlevska
The role of the People and Remuneration Committee is to oversee the remuneration strategies of the Fund and make recommendations to the Hostplus Board in respect of executive remuneration.
Nomination and Board
Renewal Committee (NBRC)
Damien Frawley
Craig Laundy,
Gary Bullock
The role of the NBRC is to make recommendations to the Board for the appointment of representatives to the Board’s sub-committees and any organisations to which the Board makes appointments (for example entities that Hostplus invests in). The NBRC also makes any recommendations to the Founding Members that relate to the composition of the Board.
Operations CommitteeBev Myers Craig Laundy,
Jessica Rudd
The role of the Operations Committee is to assist the Board in relation to the development, implementation and review of certain products and services including administration, marketing and communications, and group insurance provided to members and employers. The committee ensures Hostplus’ members-first focus and key values are applied as relevant to all matters under consideration.
Special Investment Group (SIG)Craig Laundy (Co-Chair) 
Gary Bullock
Damien Frawley, Mark Robertson,
David Gibson 
The SIG is responsible for considering, reviewing and approving recommendations from the Trustee’s Investment Adviser relating to direct investments and co-investments in property, infrastructure and private equity asset classes via pooled investment vehicles or mandates. All investment decisions made by the SIG on behalf of the Board must be made in accordance with the investment policies approved by the Board.

Each Committee operates in accordance with its Terms of Reference.

Every year the Hostplus Board and Committees undertake a performance assessment process using the services of an external consultant annually to assess and benchmark the performance of the Board and Committees.

The Board of Hostplus has approved a number of policies that assist in managing the governance responsibilities of the Fund. Such policies include:

  • Fit and Proper Policy – sets out Hostplus’ processes for assessing and monitoring the fitness and propriety of responsible persons and senior managers.
  • Third Party Management Policy and Material Outsourcing Policy - sets out Hostplus’ processes for appointing, assessing, monitoring and terminating of all outsourced service providers and material outsourced service providers respectively. 
  • Risk Management Framework - sets out Hostplus’ approach to risk management, how the Trustee identifies, assesses, mitigates, manages, monitors and regularly reports on risk.
  • Conflicts Management Policy – sets out processes and procedures Hostplus has adopted to manage conflicts of interests. 
  • Code of Conduct Policy - sets out Hostplus’ expectations and requirements of its directors and staff including contractors - their responsibilities and obligations relating to various matters including confidentiality, privacy, conflicts of interest and other principles and behaviours.
  • Fraud Policy – sets out Hostplus’ expectations and requirements of its directors and staff and their responsibilities and obligations relating to fraud awareness, governance and oversight, internal controls and fraud management and investigation procedures.
  • Whistleblowing Policy - sets out Hostplus’ expectations and requirements of its directors and staff and their responsibilities and obligations relating to its whistleblowing mechanism and reporting procedures to protect the interests of individuals acting in good faith and reporting suspected incidents of misconduct. Hostplus has engaged an independent organisation to provide a confidential, secure and 24/7/365 service where a whistleblower can make a disclosure by:
    • placing a free call to the Whistleblower Hotline on 1300 656 894;
    • or forwarding a complaint/disclosure to a confidential email address (;
    • or forwarding a complaint/disclosure to a confidential postal address (HOSTPLUS, C/- Fraud & Forensic Consulting, GPO Box 4736, Melbourne VIC 3001).
  • Diversity Policy – sets out Hostplus’ expectations and requirements of its directors and staff and their responsibilities and obligations relating to managing diversity throughout the Hostplus organisation, and respecting diversity in the wider community. This includes maintaining a workplace environment that supports diversity and is free from discrimination, hostility, harassment, bullying and victimisation. 
  • Gifts and Hospitality Policy - sets out Hostplus’ expectations and requirements of its directors and staff and their responsibilities and obligations relating to being offered and/or accepting any type of gift, hospitality or benefit, or free access to entertainment which may be related to their capacity as Hostplus directors and staff.

The Hostplus Board has a compliance program which formalises the structure and processes to meet legislative and regulatory requirements, including relevant prudential standards and contractual obligations. The compliance program has two tiers:

  • “The compliance framework” is the structure Hostplus employs to manage the compliance requirements.
  • “Policy documents & standards” is a listing of policy documents and standards adopted at Hostplus.

The Hostplus Board risk framework consists of:

  • The Risk Management Strategy (RMS) which outlines the Board’s approach to risk management. It includes how we identify, access, mitigate, manage, monitor and report on risk.
  • The Risk Appetite Statements (RAS) which are formal declarations of the Board’s risk appetite and articulate how much risk the Board is willing to accept in order to achieve its strategic and business objectives.
  • The Risk Management Policy (RMP) which sets out the Trustee’s expectations in relation to the management of risk at Hostplus.
  • The Risk Register and Key Risk Indicators (KRI) which contain details of material risks impacting the Fund and captures the risk assessment, risk tolerance and mitigating controls of all the identified material risks.

External Audit

The Hostplus Board appoints an external auditor (currently PwC) to undertake an annual audit of the Fund’s financial statements and regulatory returns to ensure compliance with legislative requirements. An independent audit opinion is issued at the conclusion of the audit providing assurance over the integrity of the financial statements and compliance with legislative requirements. The external auditor reports to the Audit Committee.

Following a comprehensive tender process, the Trustee has appointed, subject to regulatory approval, EY as the Fund's external auditor for the year ended 30 June 2025.

Internal Audit

The appointed internal auditor (currently KPMG)  is responsible for providing further assurance over the control environment of the Fund and Hostplus. An annual internal audit program is developed by the internal auditor in conjunction with the Audit Committee who oversees the performance of the internal auditor. The internal auditor reports to the Audit Committee.

Year ended 30 June 2024

Director/ Alternate DirectorFull Board Meeting of DirectorsMeeting of Committees
AuditRisk & ComplianceClaims ReviewPeople & RemunerationSpecial Investments GroupOperationsNominations and Board Renewal Committee
D Frawley89------4433--11
J Whiting994444----------
D Gibson99------4433----
C Laundy69--------2234-1
D Attenborough994444------1(*)-1(*)-
T Lyons191414----------
G Bullock891(*)-1(*)-----33--11
I Beynon442(*)-2(*)---22------
J Rudd66----------22--
B Myers59----910----22--
Alternate Directors
B Myers2-----78----22--
B Kearney1---------------
J Korlevska--------22------
D Frawley--1(*)-1(*)-------2(*)---
B Myers1(#)-------1(*)------
B Kearney7(#)--------------
J Whiting----------2(*)-----
T Lyons----------2(*)-----
J Rudd----------1(*)-1(*)-1(*)-
J Korlevska3(#)---------------

A Number of meetings attended
B Number of meetings held during the time the Director held office or was a member of the Committee during the year
(#) Alternate Directors are invited to attend Board Meetings as an Observer
(*) All Directors and alternates are invited to attend Committee meetings and receive full Committee papers.

Where a non-committee member has attended a Committee, attendance has been noted.

Year ended 30 June 2023

Director/ Alternate DirectorFull Board Meeting of DirectorsMeeting of Committees
AuditRisk & ComplianceClaims ReviewPeople & RemunerationSpecial Investments GroupOperationsNominations and Board Renewal Committee
D Frawley88------3444--22
J Whiting884433----------
A Grayson88--------------
D Gibson88------4444----
C Laundy88--------445512
D Attenborough884433----------
T Lyons784423----24--22
G Bullock78--------------
I Beynon88------44------
Alternate Directors
B Myers2-----1819----55--
B Kearney----------------
D Frawley--2(*)-2(*)-------2(*)---
B Myers5(#)---------2(*)----
G Bullock----------1(*)----
B Kearney8(#)---------1(*)----
D Attenborough----------2(*)-5(*)-2(*)-
J Whiting----------4(*)-----
I Beynon----------1(*)-----
A Grayson----------1(*)-----

A Number of meetings attended
B Number of meetings held during the time the Director held office or was a member of the Committee during the year
(#) Alternate Directors are invited to attend Board Meetings as an Observer
(*) All Directors and alternates are invited to attend Committee meetings and receive full Committee papers.

Where a non-committee member has attended a Committee, attendance has been noted.

Year ended 30 June 2022

Director/ Alternate DirectorFull Board Meeting of DirectorsMeeting of Committees
AuditRisk & ComplianceClaims ReviewPeople & RemunerationSpecial Investments GroupOperationsNominations and Board Renewal Committee
D Elmslie77------4478--33
J Whiting773333---------3
A Grayson77----------34--
D Gibson67------4488----
C Laundy77--------364433
D Attenborough773333----------
T Lyons772323----78--33
B Myers37----------44--
G Bullock34--------------
I Beynon67------44------
Alternate Directors
R Buckler------99--------
B Myers1-----1616--------
B Kearney1---------------
D Elmslie--3(*)-3(*)-----------
C Laundy--------1-------
B Myers3(#)--------------
R Buckler1(#)--------------
G Bullock----------1----
B Kearney5(#)--------------
D Attenborough--------1-5-3-2-
J Whiting----------3---1-

A Number of meetings attended
B Number of meetings held during the time the Director held office or was a member of the Committee during the year
(#) Alternate Directors are invited to attend Board Meetings as an Observer
(*) All Directors and alternates are invited to attend Committee meetings and receive full Committee papers.

Where a non-committee member has attended a Committee, attendance has been noted.

Year ended 30 June 2021

Director/Alternate director Full board meeting of directors Meeting of committees  
Audit, Risk & Compliance Claims Review          People & Remuneration          Special Investments Group             Operations            Nominations and Board Renewal Committee
D Elmslie99----3333--22
P Collins9944----------
A Grayson99--------44--
D Gibson89----3323----
M Robertson8944----33--22
M Vaile89--------34--
T Lyons9944--3323--22
B Myers89--------44--
J Hill45------------
I Beynon44------------
Alternate directors 
R Buckler----2323--------
N Randall1-------------
D Elmslie--3(*)-----------
A Grayson--------------
J Hill --------------
B Myers --------2(*)-----
R Buckler 5(#)-------------
N Randall2(#)-------------

A Number of meetings attended
Number of meetings held during the time the Director held office or was a member of the Committee during the year
(#) Alternate Directors are invited to attend Board Meetings as an Observer
(*) All Directors and alternates are invited to attend Committee meetings and receive full Committee papers.

Where a non-committee member has attended a Committee, attendance has been noted.

Year ended 30 June 2020

Director/Alternate Director Full Board Meeting of Directors Meeting of Committees  
Audit, Risk & Compliance Claims Review          People & Remuneration          Special Investments Group             Operations            
D Elmslie88----2266--
P Collins8833--------
A Grayson88--------44
D Gibson88----2266--
M Robertson8823----66--
M Vaile7813------44
T Lyons8833--2266--
B Myers88--------44
J Hill78----------
Alternate Directors 
R Buckler----1415------
N Randall1-----------
D Elmslie------------
A Grayson--------1(*)---
J Hill --------2(*)---
R Buckler 4(#)-----------
N Randall2(#)-----------

A Number of meetings attended
B Number of meetings held during the time the Director held office or was a member of the Committee during the year
(#) Alternate Directors are invited to attend Board Meetings as an Observer
(*) All Directors and alternates are invited to attend Committee meetings and receive full Committee papers.

Where a non-committee member has attended a Committee, attendance has been noted.

Year ended 30 June 2019

Director/Alternate Director Full Board Meeting of Directors Meeting of Committees  
Audit, Risk & Compliance Claims Review          People & Remuneration          Special Investments Group             Operations            Nomination and Board Renwal 
D Elmslie77----3322--22
P Collins7733----------
A Grayson77--------22--
D Gibson6713--3322----
M Robertson6723----22--12
M Vaile67--------22--
T Lyons6733--3322--22
B Myers7(+)7--------22--
J Hill77------------
Alternate Directors 
R Buckler----1316--------
N Randall3-------------
D Elmslie--2(*)-----------
A Grayson----------1(*)---
J Hill ------1(*)-------
R Buckler 3(#)-------------
N Randall3(#)-------------

A Number of meetings attended including where an alternate may have attended on behalf of the appointed Director
B Number of meetings held during the time the Director held office or was a member of the Committee during the year
(#) Alternate Directors are invited to attend Board Meetings as an Observer
(*) All Directors and alternates are invited to attend Committee meetings and receive full Committee papers
(+) B Myers was appointed the Alternate Director for T Lyons for in the Board Meeting held on the 27 July 2018. Consequently, B Myers was assigned two voting rights.

Where a non-committee member has attended a Committee, attendance has been noted.

Year ended 30 June 2018

Director/Alternate Director Full Board Meeting of Directors Meeting of Committees  
Audit, Risk & Compliance Claims Review       People & Remuneration          Special Investments Group             
D Elmslie77----2222
P Collins7733------
A Grayson77--------
D Gibson67----2212
M Robertson7733----12
M Vaile77--------
T Lyons7733--2222
B Myers7(+)7--------
J Hill67--------
Alternate Directors 
R Buckler----1617----
N Randall1---------
D Elmslie--2(*)-------
A Grayson------1(*)---
R Buckler 2(#)---------
N Randall3(#)---------

Number of meetings attended including where an alternate may have attended on behalf of the appointed Director
Number of meetings held during the time the Director held office or was a member of the Committee during the year
(#) Alternate Directors are invited to attend Board Meetings as an Observer
(*) All Directors and alternates are invited to attend Committee meetings and receive full Committee papers
(+) B Myers was appointed the Alternate Director for J Hill in the Board Meeting held on the 15 September 2017. Consequently, B Myers was assigned two voting rights.

Where a non-committee member has attended a Committee, attendance has been noted.

Year ended 30 June 2017

Director/Alternate Director Full Board Meeting of Directors Meeting of Committees  
Audit, Risk & Compliance Claims Review       People & Remuneration          
D Elmslie77----33
P Collins7733----
A Grayson77------
T Lyons6723--33
B Myers23------
J Hill 33------
D McElrea44------
R Stark13------
M Robertson 7723----
D Gibson
M Vaile57------
Alternate Directors 
R Buckler3---1515--
N Randall2-1-----
D Elmslie--3(*)-----
R Buckler 1(#)-------
N Randall2(#)-------

A Number of meetings attended including where an alternate may have attended on behalf of the appointed Director
Number of meetings held during the time the Director held office or was a member of the Committee during the year
(#) Alternate Directors are invited to attend Board Meetings as an Observer
(*) All Directors and alternates are invited to attend Committee meetings and receive full Committee papers
(+) B Myers was appointed the Alternate Director for J Hill in the Board Meeting held on the 15 September 2017. Consequently, B Myers was assigned two voting rights.

Where a non-committee member has attended a Committee, attendance has been noted.

Hostplus will always advise its members about any material changes to the Fund - particularly when the outcome will impact their retirement savings. A change or event includes any decisions that will affect a member's investment, including a change to fees and costs, the benefit design, such as insurance cover and premiums, or instances where a member's benefit may be transferred without their consent.

The key message announcing the decisions and impact is referred to as a significant event notice (SEN) which is issued to affected members. Hostplus aims to provide information to members in a clear, concise manner that will enable our members to understand the nature of the change or event and the effect it could have on them.

Timing of a significant event notice (SEN)

  • A change or event which is an increase in fees, but not because of increased costs, will be sent at least 30 days before it occurs.
  • A change or event which is an increase in fees as a result of increased costs will be sent as soon as possible, but not later than three months after the change or event occurs.
  • A change that is not an increase in fees and is not adverse will be sent within 12 months of the change.
Notice date

Nature of event/change

Impact of change

 Financial year 2024/25

25 November 2024  

The 25 November 2024 SENs are available as follows: 

We’ve updated our investment fees and costs in various Product Disclosure Statements issued on 1 October 2024, based on the investment fees and costs incurred for the financial year ending 30 June 2024. This update reflects a material increase or decrease in fees and costs for some investment options.  

12 August 2024 

The 12 August 2024 SENs are available as follows:

We’ve renegotiated the terms of our insurance cover for eligible Hostplus members in the Hostplus Superannuation & Personal Super Plan, and Hostplus Executive Plan.  From 1 October 2024, eligible insured members in these products will have access to some improved terms and conditions.    
We’re introducing three new pre-mixed, indexed investment options.From 1 October 2024 members can access three new, low cost, diversified investment options that generally seek to track established market indices. 
The Trustee Fee, which formed part of members’ administration fees and costs and investment fees and costs, will cease from 1 September 2024. From 1 September 2024 this fee will no longer be deducted from members’ accounts or deducted from gross investment earnings of non-Choiceplus investments.  
We’re changing the ‘Shares Plus’ investment option name to ‘Growth’.  The name change will apply from 1 October 2024.  
We updated our investment fees and costs in various Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs) issued on 1 October 2023, based on the investment fees and costs incurred for the financial year ending 30 June 2023. A reduction in the total investment fees and costs for the Balanced, Australian Shares and International Shares investment options in several products for the year ending 30 June 2023. 
 Financial year 2023/24

29 May 2024

The 29 May 2024 SEN for insured Maritime members is available here.

We’ve renegotiated the terms of our insurance cover for Hostplus Super Maritime members.  This update means that from 1 July 2024, our insured Maritime members will have access to some improved terms and conditions. 

8 December 2023

The 8 December 2023 SEN for the Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan and Hostplus Executive is available here.

Frequently asked questions are available here.

We have updated our investment fees and costs for the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) – Balanced option in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) issued on 1 October 2023, based on the investment fees and costs incurred for the financial year ending 30 June 2023.This update reflects a material increase in fees and costs for the SRI – Balanced option.

8 December 2023

The 8 December 2023 SEN for Hostplus Pension is available here.

Frequently asked questions are available here.

 Financial year 2022/23

7 June 2023

The 7 June 2023 SEN for the Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan and Hostplus Executive is available here.

Frequently asked questions are available here.

Introduction of six new pre-mixed investment options
From 1 October 2023 Hostplus will introduce 6 new pre-mixed investment options to provide members with an increased range of investment choices across a broader risk/return range.
Closure of the Property and Infrastructure investment options
Hostplus will close the Property and Infrastructure investment options, with effect from 1 October 2023. Members will be unable to switch into these options from 1 September 2023.
Choiceplus enhancements
Effective 1 April 2023, there was a reduction in the Choiceplus Portfolio Administration Fee, Transaction Account Fee and Brokerage Fee. Effective 1 April 2023, the individual investment limits on a range of ETFs and LICs, increased from 20% to 50% of total Hostplus account balance.
Strengthening investment governance
We have enhanced our monitoring and controls around investment switching. 
Material changes to the investment fees and costs and/or transaction costs.
Hostplus has re-estimated certain investment fees and costs, and the estimated investment fees and costs and/or transaction costs for 4 investment options have either materially increased or decreased. 
Changes to asset rebalancing practices
The Trustee has reviewed its rebalancing policies and has determined that from 1 July 2023, rebalancing will now be proportionately applied across all pre-mixed investment options, rather than across just the Balanced option. 

7 June 2023

The 7 June 2023 SEN for Hostplus Pension is available here.

Frequently asked questions are available here.

Introduction of six new pre-mixed investment options
From 1 October 2023 Hostplus will introduce 6 new pre-mixed investment options to provide members with an increased range of investment choices across a broader risk/return range. 
Closure of the Property and Infrastructure investment options
Hostplus will close the Property and Infrastructure investment options, with effect from 1 October 2023. Members will be unable to switch into these options from 1 September 2023. 
Choiceplus enhancements
Effective 1 April 2023, there was a reduction in the Choiceplus Portfolio Administration Fee, Transaction Account Fee and Brokerage Fee. Effective 1 April 2023, the individual investment limits on a range of ETFs and LICs, increased from 20% to 50% of total Hostplus account balance. 
Strengthening investment governance
We have enhanced our monitoring and controls around investment switching. 
Material changes to the investment fees and costs and/or transaction costs.
Hostplus has re-estimated certain investment fees and costs, and the estimated investment fees and costs and/or transaction costs for 4 investment options have either materially increased or decreased. 
Changes to asset rebalancing practices
The Trustee has reviewed its rebalancing policies and has determined that from 1 July 2023, rebalancing will now be proportionately applied across all pre-mixed investment options, rather than across just the Balanced option. 

28 October 2022 

The 28 October 2022 SEN for the Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan and Hostplus Executive is available here.

Change in Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) definition - for some insured members.

Previously, any TPD claim from a member who was unemployed for more than 12 months, or over age 65, was assessed against a very restrictive TPD definition that was focussed on a member’s ability to look after themselves for the rest of their lives (Activities of Daily Living).

Effective from 1 December 2021, we replaced this definition with one that’s less restrictive, that importantly focuses on a member’s ability to do basic activities associated with work for the rest of their lives (Activities of Daily Work). This will improve claim outcomes for members who have been unemployed for more than 12 months or are over age 65.


20 October 2022 

The 20 October 2022 SEN for the Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan former Intrust Core Super members is available here.

The 20 October 2022 SEN for the Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan former Intrust Executive Super and Select Super members (non-smokers) is available here.

The 20 October 2022 SEN for the Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan former Intrust Executive Super and Select Super members (smokers) is available here

From 1 December 2022, former members of Intrust will have their Death and Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) insurance cover transferred to Hostplus insurance arrangements. 

Death and Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) insurance cover held with Intrust Super will be transferred to Hostplus policy terms, conditions and premiums effective 1 December 2022. 

While this change does mean an increase in premiums for most former Intrust members, we believe it delivers better outcomes for members as outlined in the Significant Event Notice.

19 September 2022

The 19 September 2022 SEN for the Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan and Hostplus Executive members is available here.

Increased estimated investment fees and costs and/or transaction costs for the following investment options: 

  • Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) – Balanced 
  • Diversified Fixed Interest 
  • Property 
  • Infrastructure. 
Members invested in these 4 investment options were notified of the increased estimated investment fees and costs and/or transaction costs for these options. 

19 September 2022

The 19 September 2022 SEN for Hostplus Pension members is available here.


Increased estimated investment fees and costs and/or transaction costs for the following investment options: 
  • Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) – Balanced 
  • Diversified Fixed Interest 
  • Property 
  • Infrastructure. 
Members invested in these 4 investment options were notified of the increased estimated investment fees and costs and/or transaction costs for these options. 
 Financial year 2021/22
16 May 2022
The 16 May 2022 Supplementary SEN for Pension members is available here.
Introduction of new sector investment options.
  • Hostplus has introduced three new sector investment options. 
  • Further information regarding cost of product for the options, as applies to Pension members, has been provided in this supplementary SEN. 

8 February 2022
The full 8 February 2022 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation, Executive and Pension members is available here.


  • Introduction of a trustee indemnity fee.
  • Closure of individual manger investment options.
  • Introduction of new sector investment options.
    From 18 March 2022:

    • Hostplus will introduce a trustee fee over the next three years. This is due to a change in legislation providing that superannuation trustees (and their directors) can no longer be indemnified from the assets of the Fund in relation to certain penalties. The trustee fee will be paid to the Trustee in relation to the risks of it carrying out its duties and obligations in acting as trustee. The Trustee will hold the trustee fee paid to it in a Special Purpose Reserve within the Trustee.
    • Hostplus will cease all new investments, contributions and switches into its individual manager options. The SEN provides information on any actions you need to take if you are invested in any of these options. The options will be formally closed on 30 June 2022.
    • Hostplus will introduce three new sector investment options.

    14 September 2021

    The full 14 September 2021 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan members is available here.

    The full 14 September 2021 SEN for Hostplus Executive members is available here.

    The full 14 September 2021 SEN for Hostplus Pension members is available here.

    Changes to investment information and the Choiceplus guide for Superannuation and Personal Super Plan, Executive and Pension members.


    From 1 July 2021:

    Certain investment options had changes to their Strategic Asset Allocation Benchmark, Return target (CPI+ Objective) and Level of investment risk.

    An explanation of the investment relationship between the Balanced investment option and CPIplus.

    The Choiceplus guide has been updated to provide that class actions are not available on the Choiceplus platform.

    14 September 2021

    The full 14 September 2021 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan, Hostplus Executive and Hostplus Pension members is available here.

    Investment switching restrictions for certain Hostplus employees and directors ('Access Persons').

    From 1 July 2021:

    Hostplus has imposed a Switching Window limitation for Access Persons. The limitation means Access Persons can only make one investment switch, on an annual basis, during the Switching Window (the Window). The Window will generally be open from 1 August – 31 August.

    14 September 2021

    The full 14 September 2021 SEN for Hostplus Executive, members is available here.

    Income Protection insurance premium rates to increase from 1 November 2021.

    From 1 November 2021:

    Insurance premiums for Income Protection cover will increase for Hostplus Executive members who are covered under an employer default Income Protection arrangement.

     Financial year 2020/21

    20 April 2021

    The full 20 April 2021 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan members is available here.

    The full 20 April 2021 SEN for Hostplus Executive members is available here.

    The full 20 April 2021 SEN for Hostplus Pension members is available here.

    Changes to investment information and the Choiceplus guide for Superannuation and Personal Super Plan, Executive and Pension members.

    From 15 February 2021:

    Various investment options had changes to their descriptions such as Return target (CPI+ Objective), Minimum Suggested Time Frame, Level of investment risk.

    There were a number of changes to the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) – Balanced option including fees and costs, strategic asset allocations and option descriptions.

    The terms and conditions for investing in Choiceplus was updated within the Choiceplus guide - regarding the availability of the UBS Securities Australia Limited (UBS) Financial Services Guide (FSG) at a website link.

    21 December 2020

    The full 21 December 2020 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan members is available here.

    Termination of the Balanced Equity Management (BEM) – Australian Shares investment option.

    Members invested in this option may choose another investment option or will be defaulted into the Australian Shares investment option.

    21 December 2020

    The full 21 December 2020 SEN for Hostplus Executive members is available here

    Termination of the Balanced Equity Management (BEM) – Australian Shares investment option.

    Members invested in this option may choose another investment option or will be defaulted into the Australian Shares investment option.

    21 December 2020

    The full 21 December 2020 SEN for Hostplus Pension members is available here.

    Termination of the Balanced Equity Management (BEM) – Australian Shares investment option.

    Members invested in this option may choose another investment option or will be defaulted into the Australian Shares investment option.

    24 September 2020

    The full 24 September 2020 SEN for Hostplus Executive members with non-default Salary Continuance insurance is here.

    Insurance changes.

    Changes to insurance premiums for non-default Salary Continuance cover applicable from 1 November 2020.

    24 September 2020

    The full 24 September 2020 SEN for Hostplus Executive members with default Salary Continuance insurance is available here.

    Insurance changes.

    Changes to insurance premiums for default Salary Continuance cover applicable from 1 November 2020.

    17 August 2020

    The full 17 August 2020 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan is available here.

    Changes to investments.

    Various investment options have had changes to their descriptions such as:

    • level of investment risk,
    • strategic asset allocation.

    Introduction of new Responsible Investment Policy to replace existing Environmental, Social and Governance Policy.

    Insurance changes.

    Changes to insurance premiums for non-default Salary Continuance cover.


    The use of the Premium Adjustment Mechanism to maintain existing rates for Death and TPD cover.


    Addition of 5-year benefit period for Salary Continuance.


    Change  the name of Salary Continuance to Income Protection from 1 October 2020.

    Changes to Choiceplus terms and conditions.

    Hostplus at its discretion has the right to redeem your Choiceplus investment(s) and credit the proceeds to your transaction account, if your Choiceplus investment(s) are outside the approved list of investments, not in line with Choiceplus’ investment threshold or cannot be supported by the platform.

    The full 17 August 2020 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan with SalarySafe Salary Continuance cover is available here.

    Changes to investments.

    Various investment options have had changes to their descriptions such as:

    • level of investment risk
    • strategic asset allocation.

    Introduction of new Responsible Investment Policy to replace existing Environmental, Social and Governance Policy.

    Insurance changes.

    Change of insurance provider from Lloyds Canopius Syndicate 4444 to MetLife.


    Removal of mental health exclusion from SalarySafe policy.


    Changes to the premium rates for SalarySafe Income Protection cover.

    Changes to Choiceplus terms and conditions.

    Hostplus at its discretion has the right to redeem your Choiceplus investment(s) and credit the proceeds to your transaction account, if your Choiceplus investment(s) are outside the approved list of investments, not in line with Choiceplus’ investment threshold or cannot be supported by the platform.

    The full 17 August 2020 (updated 27 August 2020) SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan with unitised salary continuance cover is available here.

    Changes to investments.

    Various investment options have had changes to their descriptions such as:

    • level of investment risk
    • strategic asset allocation.

    Introduction of new Responsible Investment Policy to replace existing Environmental, Social and Governance Policy.

    Insurance changes.

    Changes to insurance premiums for non-default unitised Salary Continuance cover.


    The use of the Premium Adjustment Mechanism to maintain existing rates for Death and TPD cover.


    Change of cover name from Salary Continuance to Income Protection from 1 October 2020.


    Addition of 5-year benefit period for Salary Continuance.


    Change the name of Salary Continuance to Income Protection from 1 October 2020.

    Changes to Choiceplus terms and conditions.

    Hostplus at its discretion has the right to redeem your Choiceplus investment(s) and credit the proceeds to your transaction account, if your Choiceplus investment(s) are outside the approved list of investments, not in line with Choiceplus’ investment threshold or cannot be supported by the platform.

    The full 17 August (updated 27 August) 2020 SEN for Hostplus Executive members is available here.

    Changes to the Hostplus investment options.

    Various investment options have had changes to their descriptions such as:

    • level of investment risk
    • strategic asset allocation.

    Introduction of new Responsible Investment Policy to replace existing Environmental, Social and Governance Policy.

    Insurance changes.

    Change of insurance definition for Maximum Expiry Age for Death and/or TDP cover.


    Addition of 5-year benefit period for Salary Continuance.


    Change the name of Salary Continuance to Income Protection from 1 October 2020.

    Changes to Choiceplus terms and conditions.

    Hostplus at its discretion has the right to redeem your Choiceplus investment(s) and credit the proceeds to your transaction account, if your Choiceplus investment(s) are outside the approved list of investments, not in line with Choiceplus’ investment threshold or cannot be supported by the platform.

    The full 17 August 2020 SEN for Pension members is available here.

    Change to minimum drawdown rates.

    Minimum drawdown rates temporarily reduced in March 2020  for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years.

    Changes to investments.

    Various investment options have had changes to their descriptions such as:

    • Level of investment risk,
    • Strategic asset allocation.

    Introduction of new Responsible Investment Policy to replace existing Environmental, Social and Governance Policy

    Changes to Choiceplus terms and conditions.

    In the event an investment  Hostplus at its discretion has the right to redeem your Choiceplus investment(s) and credit the proceeds to your transaction account, if your Choiceplus investment(s) are outside the approved list of investments, not in line with Choiceplus’ investment threshold or cannot be supported by the platform.

     Financial year 2019/20

    22 June 2020

    The full 22 June 2020 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan is available here.

    Changes to Hostplus insurance arrangements including Putting Members’ Interests First legislation and other changes that may affect your Hostplus insurance.

    Various changes to insurance arrangements such as:

    • Putting Members’ Interests First legislation
    • general changes that may affect your Hostplus insurance
    • changes to non-default MetLife Salary Continuance insurance cover, and
    • Income Protection insurance (SalarySafe).
    Suspension of applications, switches, redemptions and withdrawals.Information was provided in the Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan PDS of how the Trustee may suspend or restrict applications, switches, redemptions and withdrawal requests, for all or a particular investment option at its absolute discretion. In such circumstances, transactions may not be processed or may be processed with significant delay.

    22 June 2020

    The full 22 June 2020 SEN for Hostplus Executive members is available here.

    Changes to Hostplus Executive insurance arrangements including Putting Members’ Interests First legislation and other changes that may affect your Hostplus Executive insurance.

    Various changes to insurance arrangements such as:

    • Putting Members’ Interests First legislation
    • changes that may affect your Hostplus Executive Death and TPD insurance, and
    • changes to Salary Continuance insurance cover.
    Suspension of applications, switches, redemptions and withdrawals.Information was provided in the Hostplus Executive PDS of how the Trustee may suspend or restrict applications, switches, redemptions and withdrawal requests, for all or a particular investment option at its absolute discretion. In such circumstances, transactions may not be processed or may be processed with significant delay.

    22 June 2020

    The full 22 June 2020 SEN for Pension members is available here.

    Suspension of applications, switches, redemptions and withdrawals.

    Information was provided in the Pension PDS of how the Trustee may suspend or restrict applications, switches, redemptions and withdrawal requests, for all or a particular investment option at its absolute discretion. In such circumstances, transactions may not be processed or may be processed with significant delay.

    27 February 2020

    The full 27 February 2020 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan and Hostplus Executive members is available here.

    The full 27 February 2020 SEN for Pension members is available here.

    Changes to investment option descriptions.

    Various investment options have had changes to their descriptions such as:

    • return target
    • level of investment risk
    • investment suitability
    • minimum suggested time frame, and
    • strategic asset allocation.

    From 1 December 2019, Hostplus offered a new investment option, Infrastructure.

    Changes affected Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan, Hostplus Executive and Hostplus Pension members invested in these options.

    27 February 2020

    The full 27 February 2020 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan and Hostplus Executive members is available here.

    Insurance changes.

    Putting Members’ Interest First legislation effective 1 April 2020 has resulted to changes to Hostplus insurance arrangements. These and some other insurance changes are detailed in this SEN.

    Changes will affect Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan and Hostplus Executive members.

    24 October 2019

    The full 24 October 2019 SEN for Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan and Hostplus Executive members is available here.

    The full 24 October 2019 SEN for Pension members is available here.

    Changes to investment option descriptions.

    Various investment options have had changes to their descriptions such as:

    • return target
    • level of investment risk
    • investment suitability
    • minimum suggested time frame, and
    • strategic asset allocation.

    Changes affected Hostplus Superannuation and Personal Super Plan, Hostplus Executive and Hostplus Pension members invested in these options.

    Financial year 2018/19

    23 April 2019

    The full 23 April 2019 SEN is available here.

    Changes under Protecting Your Super legislation.

    Protecting Your Super legislation introduced several changes such as:

    • the cancelling of insurance on inactive accounts
    • inactive low-balance accounts to be transferred to the ATO
    • a new cap on administrative and investment fees for low-balance accounts, and
    • changes to the Work Test Exemption rules.

    10 September 2018

    THe full 10 September 2018 SEN is available here.

    Annual changes to disclosure of fees and costs.

    Each financial year Hostplus calculates the total Indirect Cost Ratio (ICR) and Investment Fee, Borrowing Costs and Property Operating Costs for all Hostplus investment options. The 30 June 2018 investment-related fees that are deducted from gross earnings before they are applied to your account are provided in the SEN to reflect the updates made to all Hostplus Member Guides on 29 August 2018.

    10 September 2018

    Correction to Choiceplus fees and costs disclosure.

    Hostplus has not previously disclosed the investment fee and indirect cost ratio that was deducted from gross interest earnings on a Choiceplus member’s transaction account. No loss resulted to Choiceplus members because of the omission.

    10 September 2018

    Change to the 10-year return target for the Balanced (MySuper) investment option.

    From 1 July 2018 the Balanced (MySuper) investment option return target changed to CPI + 3.0%.

    This section summarises the current Hostplus Conflicts Management Policy ('Policy'). If any further amendments are made to the Conflicts Management Policy, a new summary will be published within such timelines as required by law.


    The Policy sets out the processes and procedures that Host-Plus Pty Limited ('Hostplus') as Trustee of the Hostplus Superannuation Fund ('Fund') has adopted to identify, assess and manage conflicts of interest that may arise during the provision of superannuation services to Fund members.

    The Policy has been designed to comply with the APRA Standard SPS 521 "Conflicts of Interest" and the requirements under sections 52 and 52A of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (SIS Act).

    The Policy applies to all Hostplus Registerable Superannuation Entity (RSE) Licensee Responsible Persons and Specified Employees. In addition, Hostplus has a Conflicts Management Policy that applies to all employees.

    Maintenance of conflicts management framework

    Hostplus has a conflicts management framework to ensure that practical arrangements (i.e. measurements, processes and procedures) must be implemented and maintained. It is designed to reflect the nature, scale and complexity of Hostplus’ operations.

    Role of the Board and directors’ duties

    Hostplus’ Board of directors (Board) is ultimately responsible for the development and maintenance of its Conflicts Management Framework, including this Policy. It must also take all reasonable steps to ensure that Hostplus staff clearly understands:

    • the need to identify all actual and potential conflicts of interest
    • the circumstances that might give rise to a conflict of interest
    • the content and purpose of Hostplus’ Conflicts Management Framework, including the Conflicts Management Policy
    • their obligations under the Conflicts Management Policy.

    Policy summary

    Under the Policy:

    • both Hostplus, itself, and certain members of Hostplus’ staff (including but not limited to the Board, senior management, and other staff that Hostplus determines should be included)
    • certain service providers, and
    • certain associates of Hostplus

    must disclose certain interests they personally hold and duties they owe to third parties as and when they arise. These interests and duties, if deemed relevant, must be registered on the consolidated Register of Relevant Interests and Duties, which can be accessed here:

    The Board periodically reviews the register to determine whether any conflicts of interest may arise that could affect the Fund and its members. If a conflict of interest is identified, Hostplus must determine whether to manage or avoid the conflict of interest. In certain cases, conflicts of interest cannot be avoided, and these will be managed, in accordance with the requirements of the law, including but not limited to the SIS Act and Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

    Relevant interest

    A relevant interest is any interest, gift, emolument or benefit (for example earnings, dividends, payments, capital gains, rights or profits) whether pecuniary or non-pecuniary, directly or indirectly obtained or offered that Hostplus considers to be relevant because it has the potential to have a significant impact on Hostplus’ capacity to act in a manner that is consistent with its Trustee duties.

    Relevant duty

    A relevant duty is a duty that a person may owe to a third party (for example, as a director or employee of that third party) that Hostplus considers to be relevant because it has the potential to have a significant impact on Hostplus’ capacity to act in a manner that is consistent with its Trustee duties.

    Conflict of interest

    Put simply, a conflict of interest arises if a person’s relevant interest or relevant duty is likely to affect his or her ability to make an impartial decision or judgement that he or she is required to make for the benefit of the Fund’s members.

    Identification, disclosure and recording of relevant interests and relevant duties and subsequent conflicts of interest

    Relevant interests and relevant duties will remain disclosed on the registers until the relevant person no longer holds that interest or owes the duty, or no longer is employed by, provides services to, or is associated with Hostplus.

    Each person must ensure that their relevant interests and relevant duties are disclosed on the register on a periodic basis or when a change to their interests or duties arises during their tenure.

    Over time certain relevant interests or relevant duties may or may not be considered to create conflicts of interest, and this will depend upon the relevant circumstances at the time. Hostplus may maintain a conflicts of interest register, in order to aid it in managing and avoiding conflicts of interest, but is under no obligation to disclose this to members.

    Management and monitoring of conflicts of interest

    The law requires Hostplus and the Board to manage conflicts of interest. The aim of the Hostplus Board is to avoid conflicts of interest. However, there might be circumstances where the avoidance of conflicts of interest will not always be possible or prudentially practical.  The Board will identify, analyse and evaluate all such conflicts and then determine whether to avoid a particular conflict of interest or accept and act notwithstanding the conflict of interest, subject to any management controls. Any conflict of interest that cannot be avoided must be managed, as is reasonable in the circumstances, but always so that priority is given firstly to the interests of members and beneficiaries.

    Hostplus has engaged outsourced service providers to assist in delivering Hostplus products and services.
    A Material Outsourcing Policy has been implemented to assist in the appointment, overseeing and management of these service providers. The key outsourced providers are listed below.

    Services outsourcedAppointed service providerABN of appointed service provider
    Fund administratorAustralian Administration Services Pty Ltd (Member of the Link Group of companies)62 003 429 114
    CustodianCitigroup Pty Limited88 004 325 080
    Pacific Custodians Pty Limited66 009 682 866
    Clearing House ServicesWestpac Banking Corporation33 007 457 141
    Direct Investment - Platform providerFNZ (Australia) Pty67 138 819 119
    Enterprise Technology ServicesNTT Australia Pty Ltd65 003 317 239
    Financial Planning servicesIndustry Fund Services Limited54 007 016 195
    Group life insurerMetLife Insurance Limited75 004 274 882
    MLC Limited90 000 000 402
    Certain Underwriters at Lloyd'sN/A
    Internal auditorKPMG Australia51 194 660 183
    Investment Consulting serviceJana Investment Advisers Pty Ltd97 006 717 568
    Investment ManagementAllan Gray Australia Pty Ltd48 112 316 168
    AllianceBernstein Investment Management Australia Limited58 007 212 606
    Apollo ST Fund Management LLCN/A
    Apollo Management Singapore Pte. Ltd.N/A
    Apostle Funds Management16 129 922 612
    Barings LLC41 132 880 007
    Baillie Gifford Overseas LimitedN/A
    Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC.N/A
    BCP3 Pty Ltd 32 604 871 481
    Bell Asset Management Limited84 092 278 647
    BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited13 006 165 975
    C WorldWide Asset Management Fondsmaeglerselskab A/SN/A
    First Sentier Investors (Australia) IM Limited89 114 194 311
    Greencape Capital Pty Ltd98 120 328 529
    Hosking Partners LLP N/A
    Hyperion Asset Management Limited80 080 135 897
    IFM Investors Pty Ltd 67 107 247 727
    ISPT Pty Ltd28 064 041 283
    L1 Capital Pty Ltd21 125 378 145
    Longview Partners (Geurnsey) LimitedN/A
    Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.N/A
    Lend Lease Investment Management Pty Limited64 068 103 659
    Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited90 086 159 060
    Martin Currie Investment Management LimitedN/A
    Mesirow Financial Investment Management Inc.N/A
    Milliman Pty Ltd51 093 828 418
    Neuberger Berman Australia Pty Limited90 146 033 801
    Ninety One Australia Pty Limited52 131 940 451
    Northcape Capital Pty Ltd53 106 390 247
    Pacific Investment Holdings Pty Limited18 001 614 964
    Paradice Investment Management Pty Ltd64 090 148 619
    Pendal Group Limited28 126 385 822
    Tanarra Capital Australia Pty Ltd88 114 164 331
    T. Rowe Price Australia Limited13 620 668 895
    Yarra Capital Management Limited63 005 885 567
    Legal advisersArnold Block Leibler Lawyers and AdvisersN/A
    Allens47 702 595 758
    Greenfields Financial Services Lawyers42 165 170 294
    Holding Redlich15 364 527 724
    HWL Ebsworth LawyersN/A
    MinterEllison91 556 716 819
    Tax advisersKPMG Australia51 194 660 183
    Actuarial and Consulting ServicesTowers Watson Australia Pty Ltd45 002 415 349

    You can find out about the Fund’s financial position, investment performance, people and activities for the most recently completed financial year in our annual report. The annual report is available online, but you may elect to have a hard copy sent to you free of charge. If you elect to receive a hard copy, we’ll continue to send you the report for every subsequent financial year until you notify us that a hard copy is no longer required.

    Financial statements

    The financial statements are prepared in accordance with relevant accounting standards and are approved by the Board of Host-Plus Pty. Limited.

    Hostplus Risk Governance Self-Assessment

    At the request of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Hostplus completed a self-assessment into its governance, accountability and culture frameworks. The work for this assessment began in July 2018 and was completed and submitted to APRA in December 2018.

    Through the assessment process the Hostplus Board identified many strengths, but also some areas that could be enhanced to ensure the continuous improvement of Hostplus’ risk governance, accountability and culture. The Hostplus Board has agreed to implement all of the 22 initiatives identified and believes this work will help Hostplus continue to be an industry leader in superannuation and provide positive retirement outcomes for all of its members.

    Hostplus has since established a program to oversee the implementation of these 22 initiatives which is being led by the Group Executive of Risk and Compliance. The program provides regular updates to the Board at each board meeting to ensure ongoing accountability and delivery of these important initiatives.

    To date, the program has completed 9 of the 22 initiatives and continues to work towards its commitment to complete all actions by December 2020. These initiatives include:

    • the implementation of a Fund-wide governance, risk and compliance system
    • the introduction of a senior leadership risk forum
    • the enhancement of risk reporting to all levels of the organisation
    • the development of collective risk key performance indicators.

    Read the full report here

    The Financial Services Guide (FSG) is to ensure you are given adequate information about the financial services being offered by Hostplus.

    It contains information about the services we offer, how we are paid, any potential conflict of interest we may have, and our internal and external dispute resolution procedures and how you can access them. If you need more information or clarification of any matters raised in this document, please contact us