
Giving new hope
to heart failure patients

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2 min read
Updated 21 Mar 2024
  • Case studies
  • Investment case studies

Your super could be invested in technology that aims to deliver safe and reliable treatment to millions suffering from cardiac rhythm diseases.

Our mission is to help our members and investors achieve the retirement they’ve worked so hard for. We’re also committed to investing responsibly. While we always look for investments that aim to deliver strong investment returns, some also have the potential to deliver groundbreaking technology.   

EBR Systems Inc. is one such investment. They’re focused on giving new hope to heart failure patients by developing a unique wireless device that may lead to better patient outcomes

What is heart failure?

Heart failure is a long-term condition that occurs when your heart doesn’t pump blood to the rest of your body the way it should. It’s estimated that almost half a million Australians are affected, with this number rising to 750,000 Australians by 2030.1   

In a healthy heart, the left and right ventricles pump blood at the same time. Many patients with heart failure, though, have an enlarged left ventricle, which means the heart’s main pumping chambers beat at different times.  

Cardiac resynchronisation therapy

For some patients, cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) is used to help improve the heartbeat’s rhythms. In CRT, wires are connected from a special pacemaker to both ventricles to help them pump at the same time.   

While CRT is effective for many patients, up to 30% of patients fail to benefit from the treatment. Complications can include the wires fracturing, moving out of place, or becoming infected. Implanting CRTs can also be extremely limited and difficult due to varying vein structures.  

Because heart failure is a progressive disease, patients unable to benefit from conventional CRT can frequently experience worsening symptoms, which may lead to a lower quality of life and reduced life expectancy.  

EBR System’s WiSE technology

To address the limitations of current CRT, EBR Systems developed wireless technology (approximately the size of a grain of rice) to deliver pacing stimulation directly to the inside of the left ventricle. Not only does this avoid complications associated with wires, but it means doctors have the freedom to choose where to implant the device and can tailor the therapy to suit the individual patient.   

Watch how the WiSE CRT system works 

Over 400 patients worldwide have been implanted with the WiSE CRT System so far, including 45 patients in Australia. Results of its final clinical trials have shown that patients experienced a 16.4% reduction in heart volume, indicating improved heart function, and more than 80.9% of patients were free from device or procedure-related complications.2

Looking ahead, EBR Systems is planning to grow by targeting new patient groups, expanding into international distribution markets and extending their technology into other applications.  

We’re proud that our investments in companies like EBR Systems not only aim to grow your retirement savings, but also to give heart failure patients around the world a better quality of life.3  

1. Source: 

2. Source: 

3. Source: