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Hostplus Superannuation Fund ABN: 68 657 495 890

Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI): HOS0100AU

SPIN (Super Product Identifier Number): HOS0100AU

Pension Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI): 68657495890002

Thinking about leaving? Compare and be confident with Hostplus

Simply log in to Member Online using your member number and pin and select Personal Details from the Member drop-down menu.

If you haven't logged in since 12 April 2016, you'll need to re-register your details first. It's easy. Register now to get started, and the next time you visit you can simply log in.

Register now

Forgotten password

If you're starting a new job you may need to provide your employer your Fund Nomination Form to ensure your super is paid to Hostplus.

Download the Fund Nomination Form

Or, with the Hostplus App you can email  all of your details directly to your employer in just a few simple steps.

Download the Hostplus App today

To transfer your super from another fund into Hostplus, simply log in to Member Online, click Consolidate Super and follow the prompts.

Log in to Member Online now

Log in to Member Online using your member number and pin to see your super balance with Hostplus.

If you haven't logged in since 12 April 2016, you'll need to re-register your details first. It's easy. Register now to get started, and the next time you visit you can simply log in.

Register now

Forgotten password

Hostplus issues annual member statements for the year ending 30 June, which are generally available in September. Your statement shows all transactions, fees, investment returns, switches, and beneficiary details. You can view your member statements for the last five years on Member Online.

If you've registered an email address on your Hostplus account, you'll receive an email from us when your statement is available online. If not, we'll send you a letter to let you know how to access it.

If you'd prefer us to mail your full statement to you, update your communication preferences on Member Online or call us on 1300 467 875.

Your superannuation benefit is based on the balance in your super account (after accounting for tax and expenses) and in the event of your death, this is the dollar amount that will be paid to your beneficiaries or legal personal representative.

Generally, you cannot withdraw your super until you retire from the workforce on/or after reaching your preservation age (the minimum age set by law when you can access your super). The current preservation age is between 55 and 60, depending on your date of birth. However, there are limited circumstances where you can access your super early.

A benefit payment will comprise contributions and rollovers, plus net earnings applied, less tax, fees and insurance premiums. In the event of your death, total and permanent disability, or if you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, an insured amount may also be payable.

For more information on accessing your super please refer to our Member Guide.

For more information or queries on your account call Hostplus on 1300 467 875, Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm AEST/AEDT. 

Contributions can be regular or one-off payments which are deposited into your superannuation account. They include employer concessional contributions (such as Superannuation Guarantee or salary sacrifice contributions), personal (non-concessional) contributions that you may choose to make, government co-contributions and rollovers (money transferred from another superannuation fund to Hostplus ).

There are various tax levels that apply at different times on payments into your account (contributions). 

For more information on contributions tax, including contribution caps, please refer to our Member Guide.  

As a Hostplus member, it’s easy to make and receive spouse contributions. What’s more, if your spouse is a low-income earner or doesn’t work, you can earn a tax rebate of up to $450 a year for contributions you've made on their behalf.

Find out more about spouse contributions

No. You can keep benefits in the fund until your death at which point benefits will be paid to your dependants or legal representative.

Hostplus wants to keep in touch with you and makes every effort to do so. However, in certain circumstances, unclaimed money must be paid to the ATO every six months.

For more information on lost members and unclaimed money, please refer to our Member Guide.

If you think you may fall within any of the categories set out in our Member Guide, you may want to check with the ATO to see if you are registered as a lost or unclaimed member. 

If you have an inactive account in any other funds or eligible rollover fund (ERF), you can consolidate them into your Hostplus account. 

We regularly conduct searches for lost super for our members. With your consent we may send personal information such as your full name, date of birth, address, and tax file number (if held) to the ATO.

Search for lost super

Australian Administration Services Pty Limited (AAS) ABN 62 003 429 114 has been contracted by Host-Plus Pty. Limited (the fund) for the provision of member and employer, including insurance administration services. AAS manages the database where your personal information is stored. AAS is a company within the LINK Group of companies.

Tax file numbers (TFN) are unique numbers issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)  to identify individuals, corporations and others who lodge income tax returns with the ATO.

While individuals cannot be required to provide their TFN, there may be consequences if they don't. For more information please refer to our Product Disclosure Statement and privacy policy. 

You can contact the ATO on 13 28 61 or check your last PAYG (Group) certificate that your employer gave to you.

You cann check if we have your TFN on Member Online, or by calling us on 1300 467 875.

Learn more about our people, our governance, and disclosures and explore key operational policies, our committees, and service providers.

View our governance and disclosures

You can keep up to date with Hostplus by downloading our Annual Report (including our Financials).

View our current and past annual reports here

SuperRatings awards are judged on a super fund’s value for money. And their ratings are too. That’s why we were thrilled to receive the SuperRatings Platinum rating – the highest possible.

We win awards.

Hostplus is widely recognised as an industry leader and we proudly support our members right through their working lives.

Our recent accolades were:

  • Money Magazine 'Best MySuper Single Strategy Product, 'Best Diversified ESG Super Product and 'Best Diversified ESG Pension Product' 2023
  • Canstar 5 star rating for Hostplus Personal Super and Account Based Pension 2022
  • SuperRatings Fund of the Year 2023, 20 year Platinum Performance 2003-23, MyChoice Super of the Year 2023, and Net Benefit 2023. 
  • Rainmaker Information's ESG Leader 2022
  • Chant West Highest Quality Fund for Super and Pension 2022
  • Heron Partnership Quality Star Rating, Top Ten Investment Features, Top Ten MySuper 2022-22.
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